"Sweet Paint:- the story behind the series of Paintings,
'Wild Cherry Hearts' "
by Riki R Nelson
This suite of original paintings, reflects an earlier time of sweeter dreams.
The original inspiration for the "Wild Cherry Hearts" series, was a childhood memory of a 1960's candy store, on the shores of Lake Arrowhead, California.
"...The Village Candy Store, made all it's own confections. In addition to taffy and cotton candy machines perpetually churning in windows rich with treats and children's fingerprints, The Candy Store also made their own Lollipops; candy apple red wild cherry hearts, and classic spiral multicolored Lollys of all sizes. They were works of art; The spiral pops were made like Merino glass, with alternating layers of colored and pure white confection, rolled into strands, twisted together, then wound into crisp, gleaming spirals.
The smallest lollys were bigger then our heads. I remember being spell bound by a giant 3 foot spiral pop that perpetually beckoned from behind weather worn glass.
Candy apples, chocolate bananas, translucent pastel crystals of rock candy cultured on waxed white twine, diaphanous pink cotton that stuck to everything, a fairyland of childhood delights.
The shop was in the "The Village", A German Swiss style plaza, with restaurants, arcades, a novelty store that sold glass birds that would bob their diminutive single feathered heads in and out of glasses of water, Oceans in Bottles, fragile miniature blown glass animals that rarely made it home in one piece, and of course, a candy store.
"In summer, they would string paper lanterns along the docks, (we almost always came by boat). I remember watching the sun set over the lake, multicolored Chinese lanterns twinkling in the twilight. My Grandfather stood tall on the rolling dock, his great arms crossed in the warm summer air and slipping light. Smiling, he watched silently as we ran between the dimensions of the real and imagined, as the spirits of the night closed ranks around us.".
These paintings, are a metaphor for the all those sweet timeless moments, that make life worth living,
The candy hearts, as a symbol for joy and love.
The cherries, for the ripe sweetness of life.
Wild Cherry, was my favorite flavor, and symbolizes the freedom and joy of both childhood and creativity.
I wanted the confections and cakes to have some of the qualities they would actually have - the crisp snap of the lollipops, the soft rich frosting on the cakes - The colors are a celebration of life. I used dramatic lighting, and the deep rich darkened colors of the purples and violets and browns because in life, there is always the contrast - light and dark- and sometimes the darkness, can make the delightful things in the world, seem even more beautiful and poignant.
The Wild Cherry paintings, were all done from life, and are intended to convey the intangible elements that defy words, but can only be expressed - hopefully- with imagery.
Riki R Nelson
to see the current collection:
Current Peabody Exhibit Page : http://www.riki-arts.com/art-2012/peabody-shows/art-show-peabody.html
Previous Peabody Exhibit:http://www.riki-arts.com/art-2011/shows-peabody/art-show-peabody-july-2011.html

"Wild Cherry Hearts w/ Cupcake and Art"
12" x 16" oil on linen
By Artist Riki R Nelson
Visit Exhibit Page for Details: http://www.riki-arts.com/art-2012/peabody-shows/art-show-peabody.html
"Cupcake with Cherries and wild cherry heart"
6" x 8" oil on linen
Retail Price Framed $295