"Plain Girl in Emerald Cocktail Dress"
16" x 20 oil on canvas, part of the Steamers Grill Halloween Ball suite
"Portrait of Rita Coolidge"
" The Mona Rita" original painting of Rita Coolidge
"Portrait of Sleeping Child"

11" x 14" commission oil painting of sleeping child
Piano Reflections"
One of a kind, 16 x 20 oil on fine portrait canvas
"Sax Man " 18 x 24 oil on linen

x 36" oil on linen painting of the Steamers Grill Halloween
"Contemplating Cerino" SOLD

"Angel at the Bar, With Skull and Roses"
24" x 36" oil on linen, one of a kind oil painting
Riki R. Nelson "Angel at
the Bar © " (Angel
at the Bar copyright
"Angel at the Bar, With Skull and Roses"

style Jazz painting and print "Sax in the Park"
18 x 24 oil on Linen (canvas size)
(Click Image to enlarge )

"Jazz Man Giacamo Gates "
Status: Available - purchase inquires purchaseinfo@riki-arts.com

"Angel at the Bar, Standing"

oil on canvas 18" wide 24" high
(Angel at the Bar copyright July 2009)
"Portrait of Roseann Vitro"

Spirit of Jazz, Roseanne Vitro"
on canvas 24" wide 36" high
"Portrait of Anton Schwartz"

"Walin' Sax" Oil painting of sax player Anton Schwartz
on canvas 24" x wide 18"
Bass" 16 x 20 oil on linen
In artist's private collection

"Joy of Jazz" original oil painting of Rita Collidge, 24" x 36"
