"Jazz Man (Giacomo Gates)"

Bar Scene Oil Painting
"Jazz Man Giacomo Gates"
14" x 11" oil on linen, by San Francisco Bay Area Artist Riki R Nelson
one of a kind, original composition oil painting
copyright 2010)
-- Visit the online gallery --

About the creation of "Jazz Man Giacomo ": this painting is based on numerous photos and studies I have done of Jazz Legend Giacomo Gates during his concerts at Jazz on The Plazz in Los Gatos California. It is a one of a kind original oil painting. Retail price, $795

Please visit his web site and enjoy the timeless music of this extraordinary Jazz Singer. http://www.giacomogates.com/

Back in the studio I changed elements, and used still life set ups to create a sense of dimension and realism, but the bar is as it was, and the essence of the scene, is there. As an artist, I have my own vision, that is separate from the actual photo, the intangible elements that defy words, but can only be expressed - hopefully- with imagery.

I wanted this painting to be much more then the sum of it's parts, and to have a haunting quality.

In this painting I used classical painting techniques, this piece took over a month to complete.

For more insight or information into this piece please contact me directly.

for information about this piece : 408 623 3544

"Jazz Man Giacomo Gates"
14" x 11" oil on linen, by San Francisco Bay Area Artist Riki R Nelson
one of a kind, original composition oil painting
copyright 2010)
-- Visit the online gallery --

for information about this piece : 408 623 3544 (nothern california usa)

A one of a kind, original composition oil painting by R.R. Nelson

for information about this piece : 408 623 3544

Artist Riki R Nelson is a modern realist oil painter located in Los Gatos California
